Start Getting OVERSIZED Returns From Your Facebook Ads In 72 hrs or Less…

From: Godson Okorodudu

Creator, Facebook Ads Targeting Hack

Firstly, I Need To Make A Very Important…

(1) DISCLAIMER: I’ve been advertising for a longer time than most people. So my results are not in any way typical. A person with less experience and training may have to put in additional effort to replicate or exceed them.

(2) The images you’d see are not in any way doctored. You are also not seeing it wrongly. They are actual screenshots from my ads manager. In some cases, I’ve added text (in red) on them to give context.

(3) Applying what I discovered and explained on this page makes Facebook ads go crazy (…in a good way). We are talking OVERSIZE return on Ads spend.

(4) This is not about another Fb trick or hack. It’s about leveraging (…a lost) advertising fundamental to get Facebook ads to convert better.

(5) If you really want to get the power of EXPLOSIVE Facebook ads results… Continue reading.

How It All Started…

3 years ago, I discovered and shared a brilliant Facebook ads method that collectively made advertisers millions of dollars in sales.

The name was Facebook Ad Targeting Hack. I’m sure if you type that into Google or Facebook, you’d see its connection to me.

DISCLAIMER: This figure is an estimate based on the performance of my own businesses and of the few who cared to send me testimonials. That is to say, it could be less. It could also be a lot more.

When I started sharing the Hack on Facebook in May 2020…

(One of the videos was seen by more than half a million viewers)

Over four thousand advertisers from around 85+ countries took action and subscribed to my training.

The results were immediate and massive. 

Even beginner advertisers were smashing 5 – 10X ROAS on their first day.

We enjoyed this hack for give or take 2 years and a half and then it stopped working. 

I thought the Facebook ads platform was broken – with the whole CAPI, and iOS issues.

Results just weren’t what they used to be anymore.

They were creeping on the floor.

As you’d expect, I freaked out – paused my running campaigns, and got into tweak mode.

But nothing worked.

I knew I was going to be out of business soon (since I rely heavily on Facebook for traffic)

Tested my YouTube Ads and Google Ads again. 

But it just didn’t work out like darling Facebook.

I think I’m bad at using either of them.

After months of struggling, I decided to go back to the fundamentals of Facebook advertising.

You’d only know this if you were an early advertiser on Facebook (Say 2009, 10)

While doing that I discovered something that I predict will change the game of advertising for the next decade.

This Will Change The Game of Advertising For The Next Decade!

Here’s why:

In case you haven’t noticed, the OLD Ways of advertising, where you put out an ad without taking as much as a thought and get fantastic sales are dead and gone.

No thanks to Apple (*Just kidding).

It’s not Apple. In fact, it has nothing to do with the iOS update.

This is all about one thing, the AD QUALITY.

Imagine this for one minute.

You run the ONLY restaurant in town, as long as people get hungry, you’ll make sales whether you serve good food or not.

But when there are 15 other restaurants? You need to serve better tasting dishes to stay in business.

Your Competition is Stiffer Than You Care To Admit!

There are more advertisers serving great ads to same audiences as you.

I’m sure you’re seeing them on your timeline…

Their ads are so much better than yours, that the algorithm prefers to show those ads for pennies on the dollar while…

Your ads are being shown to “bottom traffic” at exorbitant prices…

Because the algorithm HATES your ad.

I know that’s a strong word, but are you not tired of lying to yourself?

Instead of hating on the Ad platform or the Algorithm…

What you must realize is, you can no longer get great results, and do so consistently, with mediocre ads.

The good news is… Finally, there is a simple technique to… 

Make ads the algorithm loves and…

It’s Not About Using Fancy Equipments Or Paying Graphic Designers!

In fact, simple, low-budget ads designed using this technique have been outperforming Hollywood type ads in every test.

The best part… It is probably a lot easier and simpler than what you are currently doing.

And the results?

Out of this world. Take a look at this campaign –

I spent $6.53 on a campaign and got back $1,250. That’s 191X Return on Ad Spend.

What that simply means is that I got over $190 for every $1 spent on Ads.

And here’s a another one while it was still in the testing phase.

But it’s already getting a 12.02X ROAS (Without optimization…)

When it’s fully optimized, what happens next…

(I don’t have to say it out loud.)

So, I’ve been testing and using this new technique but I have never shared it publicly.

I’m ecstatic to share it with you NOW.

It is so simple and crazily powerful.

I have documented the entire information in a brand new VIDEO training titled…

Steroids META Ads

This video course reveals the simple, yet powerful technique I have been using to get such amazing results:

(1) First, we ignore the temptation to overkill the targeting (it won’t matter much because of what we do next…)

(2) Then we produce our STEROID Ads (this has 3 steps – Creating the advertising anchor, Copy crafting, and creative selection) and…

(3) Finally, we set up our Ads using the very rare – “Angle First” – method that BOOSTS the algorithm’s performance significantly.

Each video is about 15 mins long, so you can watch the entire thing and implement it fast.

I guarantee that it will be a game changer for your business… 

Just as the Facebook Targeting Hack was for the early adopters in 2020.

The price for this course is $297. 

But you can get it for the New release price of just $47 on this page only!

Click the button below to claim this offer and get instant access

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

BONUS: You’ll Also Get My Private Training – The Exponential Trust Effect

A unique campaign strategy for getting FAMOUS fast on a low budget …and getting a ton of sales as a direct side effect. I have never shared this information publicly and I don’t sell it on it’s own. *The value below isn’t a price but an estimate of what I believe it is worth!

(VALUE: $1,997)

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

What People Are Saying About My Facebook Ads Courses ❤️…

Thanks for the course “Steroids For META Ads”. I applied your strategy and used the Story Ad angle. In the first week, I got 6.5x ROAS, which was great!

Mohamed T.

This is one of the best courses ever on customer acquisition. It’s been awesome and I’m just on the second module.

Pelumi O.

Thank you, Godson

Sabi S.

My Ad Camping is working. I received a lot of Orders now. Thank You

Omapro S.

I got 14 orders with just $7.91

I haven’t gotten this many orders with only little amount spent before. Your course is absolutely the best

Jeremy O.

I took his Facebook course and applied it 100% super duper with guaranteed results. The guy is good

Jide K.

I was able to target people who wanted exactly what I sell and drive sales at a ridiculously low amount – less than 50 cents($0.50)

Uzoamaka O.

Godson, the information given in your course is pure gold! I am woking with your method here in Peru and it’s working perfectly. 100% recommended. Thank you!

Tony Flow

I have taken all of the courses along with the high-ticket mentorship program. This man knows his stuff, especially about Facebook ads & copywriting

Pravat K.

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%
I used your ads testing strategy and closed two sales on the 3rd day. Your course is worth the price.

Jimsy C.

I did buy many valuable courses by Godson. must say, his every course about marketing is a class apart. So much value!!


I took this course, it’s packed with advanced and simplified ways to effectively run ads on Facebook. If the steps stated in the course are followed, then there is a high chance that ROI is guaranteed. Thanks bro… The course is valuable much more than the cost.

Rome C.

Bruvvv, your video course is mad. Cheers once more, it was money well spent. Haven’t finished because I’m quite busy now. I don’t mind paying for some 1-oN-1 consulting. Thanks once more and have an ecstatic weekend.

Dozie A.

This is worth every penny. I had my doubts, but after subscribing, I can’t believe how he came about the technique. It’s gold. U reach more customers for way less. Truly massive!

Nwachukwu O.

Your training has helped me a lot and the extra free classes wow. Just yesterday I sold 54 pcs of the items I sell in a day. It was really massive and I’m still getting massive Orders. Guess what, I have not spent up to 1,500 on advert. Before now, I spend 3,500 and get to sell 100 pcs in a week. Clicking your advert was not a mistake I was sure of it and now I’m seeing the results.

Ruth O.

Money well spent! Definitely coming to buy all your courses on my dashboard. The results are not just mad but Abodultely Insane! Thanks so muchfor the value in your course.

Emmanuel P.

Wow …This course is value overload oooo. I’m glad I bought it. Guess what. I thought it was gonna be what I already knew before now but hell no….

Mary O.

I do not regret this 1 bit, I was reluctant about paying, but thank God I did. This is priceless… You nailed every second of this course back to back. Thank you so much for this.

Okafor M.

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

I have watched the video… I must say this… You are a God… Damn… This is so so so lovely… I would have never known about this… Best Facebook ads hack I have ever come across… Thanks man


I just watched the video course. Although I haven’t implemented it yet, I am elated because IT IS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR. Absolutely different from the numerous different watery recycled courses out there. I’m glad I got the course.

Manuel O.

I have finish watching the video. Nice training I must say. I haven’t seen this strategy before.

John A.

Best Investment in Facebook Ads training ever

Adele T.

My ads are working now. I now know why I have been waiting money on ads. I feel like crying. Honestly, God bless you.

Grace M.

I bought this guy course!!! Super excited, This guy is killing it on Facebook Ads course. I will recommend it a million times…. I am using it to scale my business now

Michael T.

Abosulutely insane strategy! Amazon insights! What you can’t find on the surface, I swear! Thanks Godson for the impact.

Brian D.

Since I implemented this strategy, my optin rate has increased by more than 50% and my cost per purchase is now less than $1. This is great.

Sally S.

I was frustrated with Facebook Ads, and I was in debt, after taking this course, my conversion increased and I was able to pay some of my debts.

Cynthia L.

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

Here Are Other Campaigns With OVERSIZED ROAS Using This Method…

I know you’re smart so you know this is working. But I just want you to be 100% sure when you enroll for this training today!

The image below shows results from one of my earliest attempts using this method. I was able to get 9+ ROAS from confirmed payments of my offer:

Here is another one from a current campaign I’m running as write this… It’s bringing in over 15X ROAS already:

*The reason for the difference in reporting was that Facebook failed to track some purchases + the conversion rates weren’t accurate.

Click the button below to get started today – Imagine how much you’re leaving on the table by not implementing this in your own ads

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

How Much Are You Losing By Not Using This… And How Much More Could You Make By Trying It Out?

Whether you sell courses, are a coach, consultant, an ecommerce store owner or are trying to promote your local business…

This method can give you 10 – 100 times more results if your ads are already profitable.

If your ads are not yet profitable, then this would be a total gangbuster for you.

It would help you achieve…

– Financial stability in your business

– Spend less money on ads

– Become an Industry leader in your niche

– And ultimately, give you peace of mind

I know looking from outside it may seem to be all hype… 

But I want to assure you that you won’t regret taking action today…

Because at just $47 – It is pretty cheap and so it is very low (…or almost zero) risk compared to not doing anything at all.

Take advantage of this by clicking on the button below:

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

Frequently Asked Questions

How Would I Get The Course?

Immediately after you submit your payment, you’d get an automated email containing the access instructions. Zero delays!

Are My Card Details Secure?

Yes, we don’t store your card details. They are encrypted by our payment partner –  STRIPE. So we don’t even see them. Payments on Stripe are 100% secure and safe. You can search on Google to verify!

Can I Use This Course As A Beginner?

You need to be an intermediate or advanced Facebook advertiser to use this method. But don’t worry if you’re a beginner, I’ve added additional training videos (…at no additional cost to you). You’ll need to watch them first before you can use this method.

I’ve Tried Other Facebook Ads Courses Before. How Is This Different?

In 2020, I discovered a hack for targeting better audiences & getting more sales with Fb ads. 4,000+ advertisers and business owners took a chance with it and were collectively able to generate millions of dollars in sales. I believe the solution I am revealing now would climax whatever results people got with the last one. While the previous one worked effectively for a few years, this will last a lifetime in efficacy because it is based on a fundamental of advertising that has worked for centuries and not based on any hacks.

Why Should I Take Action Now?

When you take action now… 

(1) Your are guaranteed better results from your very next ad!

(1) You’re getting it at a lower price (Just $47) than the actual price – $297

(3) You are also getting a special bonus training – The Exponential Trust Effect – that reveals a secret campaign strategy for getting FAMOUS on a low budget fast …while getting tons of sales as a direct side effect 

Can’t I Just Look For This On Youtube?

Who would have believed the way to get more profits from Ads was simple and easy?

No Hacks. No strategies. No tricks.

Just advertising fundamentals and you’re guaranteed incredible sales!

At the same time, it’s very subtle, you won’t ever hear or see it anywhere else.

You can go from Youtube video to Youtube video.

Watch as many courses as you want…

No one is talking about this!

Likely because they don’t know about it or aren’t willing to share.

It Is Too Expensive?

I would ask… compared to what?

– Not having enough sales
– Wasting money on unprofitable ads
– Leaving a lot of your potential profits on the table
– Feeling stressed (like you’ve a spiritual attack) when your ads don’t work

The way I see it, you have two options:

You can ignore this course, continue to advertise the way you always have (…and enjoy the results you’ve always had) OR You can take action and put this new information to the test and start enjoying the exploding sales (seeing that there’s almost no risk).

The smart choice is yours to make. 

Get Steroids For META Ads Course For Just $47

$47 | Retail: $297 | Save 84%

About Your Tutor

Godson is serial entrepreneur, an alumnus of Y Combinator SUS, San Francisco, California.

He speaks at several large events (with viewership spanning 3 continents), including the National Business Conference at Oriental Hotel in 2019 and has been featured on TV interviews like TVC Your view (DSTV Channel 418)

He has also been featured side by side famous entrepreneurs like; Akin Alabi, Founder, Nairabet; Shola Akinade, Co-Founder, Paystack (A Stripe Company); and Iyan Carnevale, Co-Founder, Andela (Funded by Mark Zuckerberg)

His simple, fun and enthusiastic personality makes him an excellent teacher, you’d enjoy listening to.

Billing details

Facebook Ads Policy Hack
Now with this new technique, you can run Facebook ads to your HOT offers without risking your Facebook ad account and without the silly error messages you frequently see.
$100.00 $50.00
Debugging Facebook Ads
At times, the issue of underperforming ads is not caused by Facebook. This course shows you when that's the case and provides steps to resolve the problem.

You'll never see this special discount again!

$50.00 $26.00

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